What we say we do, we do

Création d'application sur mesure
Ingénierie des données
Direction Informatique

What is the main activity of Positiveyes?

Since 2013, we have been developing applications tailor-made for:

– manufacturers
– training centers
– distributors of stationery and office supplies
– companies specializing in chartering and organizing transport
– a major player in research, serving the State and the economy
– the health sector

and we provide corrective, adaptive and scalable maintenance.

What other activities do you do?

We support our clients in three other activities:

Scientific Development: We regularly collaborate on scientific developments by strengthening the teams of a research center.

Outsourcing: We intervene to improve and consolidate IT infrastructures (network, servers and PCs) and to provide support functions to users.

Data Engineering: We manage processes related to data flows between applications (EDI, Punchout, FTP exchanges, issuing of regulatory documents, etc.)

What are you currently working on?

Today, the emergency transport company for which we developed a complete tailor-made ERP has entrusted us with the mission of developing a customs module and opening part of the ERP to their partners.

In addition, we are building a purchase order management software that has the unusual feature of managing a very large number of buyers. We are proud to be able to serve this new client as part of a call for tender that we won.

How do you see the future?

Stay tuned to administrations and businesses to help them achieve their objectives and improve their operations.

This is our job, and we do it with passion

We are a team that brings together the talents of entrepreneurs and engineers. We share a passion and common values.
Customer service, integrity, respect, connection to reality, sharing of knowledge, efforts and personal accomplishment are among our essential values.
We share a positive outlook on the nature that surrounds us, the constructions, the productions and the works that man is capable of creating with harmony.